May 27, 2020

Stay Up All Night for Shavuot

Posted by Custom & Craft

At first glance, an agricultural festival marking the grain harvest may not have much to do with the experience of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. But our ancestors’ spiritual lives were deeply connected to the rhythms of the natural world and it made sense to weave together a time of pilgrimage to Jerusalem with this critical moment.

Fast-forward to 16th Century Tzfat in northern Israel where Rabbi Issac Luria and his band of mystics created Tikkun L’eil Shavuot, a ritual of staying up all night to study Torah. They believed that at midnight, the heavens would open to favorably receive their prayers. 


You can join a Tikkun hosted by one of the Jewish communities listed below or create your own late-night study and reflection session. Just click on the event name to connect and register.

Shavuot Learning with Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy and the Jewish Multiracial Network 
Wednesday 5/27 at 8:30 pm Eastern
The World as an Opportunity to Repair hosted by Beit Tefila Israeli (all content in Hebrew)
Wednesday 5/27 at 21:00 Israel 
Dawn hosted by Reboot and many partners
Thursday 5/28 at 7 pm Pacific to Friday 5/29 at 6 am Pacific
First-Ever Movement-Wide Tikkun hosted by the Society for Humanistic Judaism 
Thursday 5/28 at 4 pm Pacific 
Stay the Night At-Home hosted by Marlene Myerson JCC
Thursday 5/28 at 9 pm Eastern to Friday 5/29 at 5 am Eastern
Miles Nadal JCC featuring Rabbi Denise Handlarski from Secular Synagogue 
Thursday 5/28 at 7 pm Eastern to Friday 5/29 at 1 am Eastern
Tikkun Leil Shavuot hosted by My Jewish Learning
Thursday 5/28 at 8 pm Eastern to Friday 5/29 at 1 am Eastern
Shavuot: Coming Together Across the Globe hosted by Reconstructing Judaism
Thursday 5/28 at 7:30 pm Pacific to Friday 5/29 at 7:30 am Pacific
Reveal-A-Thon from Lab/Shul
Saturday 5/30 at 7 pm Eastern to Sunday 5/31 at 10 pm Eastern