Behold, my God of help,
in whom I trust, and tremble not.
Truly, my strength and melody is  yah, The One,
who is for me the source of help.
So draw, in joy, the waters
from the Fount of Help.
all help belongs to You.
Upon your people are your blessings. Let it happen!
With us is The Great One of the Multitudes of Heaven,
Stronghold for us, the God of Jacob. Be it so!
O, Great One of the Multitudes of Heaven,
happy is the human being who trusts in you!
Redeeming One, extend your help.
Our Sovereign, answer us whenever we may call.
The Jews of old had light,
And happiness, and joy, and love
may it be so for us!

La-yihuddim hayta orah vesimkhah vesasson veyikar,
ken tehiyeh lanu.

My cup of Help I raise,
and in The OMNIPRESENT's name
I call.

With the permission of this company:


Barucha At Yah Ruach Ha-olam boret p'ri ha-gafen.


Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha'olam boray p'ri hagafen.

Blessed are you, THE BOUNDLESS ONE, our God, the sovereign of all worlds, who created the fruit of the vine.


Barucha At Yah Ruach Ha-olam boret miney besamim.


Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha'olam boray miney besamim.

Blessed are You, REVIVER, our God, the sovereign of all worlds, who creates various spices.


Barucha At Yah Ruach Ha-olam boret me-orey ha-esh.


Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha-olam boray me-orey ha-esh.

Blessed are you, THE RADIANCE, our God, the sovereign of all worlds, who creates the light of fire.


Barucha At Yah Ruach Ha-olam, hamavdilah beyn kodesh lechol beyn or lechoshech beyn yom hashevi'ii lesheshet yemey hama'aseh. Barucha At Yah Ruach Ha-olam hamavdilah beyn kodesh lechol.


Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha-olam hamavdil beyn kodesh lechol beyn or le choshech beyn yom hashevi'i lesheshet yemey ha ma'aseh. Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha-olam hamavdil beyn kodesh lechol.

Blessed are You, THE MANY-NAMED, our God, the sovereign of all worlds, who separates between holy and ordinary, light and dark, the seventh day and the six days of work. Blessed are you, THE INVISIBLE, who separates the holy from the ordinary.

Service Section: Havdalah 