Sometimes a journey chooses you. The Book of Ruth tells of Ruth the Moabite choosing to make the Israelites her people. Ruth is well-loved for her loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and is often called Judaism's most famous convert, or Jew by choice.
Singer-songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins took the story and turned it into a delicate song, beginning the chorus with Ruth's words to Naomi plucked straight from the Hebrew Bible: "And where you go I'll go/where you live will be my home." 
The Book of Ruth is traditionally read by Jews on the holiday of Shavuot, which celebrates the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai as well as marking the beginning of the harvest season...which is depicted in our film centered around fields and threshing rooms.

Service Section: Commentary/Meditations, Prayers of Remembrance 
Source: G-dcast