Unending Love by Rabbi Rami Shapiro

We are loved by unending love.

We are embraced by arms that find us 
even when we are hidden from ourselves. 
We are touched by fingers that soothe us 
even when we are too proud for soothing. 
We are counseled by voices that guide us 
even when we are too embittered to hear.

We are loved by unending love.

We are supported by hands that uplift us 
even in the midst of a fall. 
We are urged on by eyes that meet us 
even when we are too weak for meeting.

We are loved by unending love.

Embraced, touched, soothed, and counseled,
ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices; 
ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles;

We are loved by unending love.

From: Beside Still Waters, available for download and purchase. 

Service Section: Prayers of Remembrance 
Source: Beside Still Waters https://yourbayit.org/beside-still-waters/