Shabbes by Naomi Prawer Kadar  (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, 1995)
In the warm glow of the candles' shine, we lift the brimming cup of wine.
As Jews for centuries before, sharing Jewish life and lore.
In praise of harmony and rest, ideals of justice, freedom's quest.
A world of brotherhood and peace, where poverty and hate will cease.
At our Shabbes celebration, we renew our dedication,
To all that's Jewish/Yiddish, in this, our special Kiddish.

We Rejoice in Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews by Judith Seid
We rejoice in our heritage which has given us the cup of wine [grape juice] as the symbol of our happiness. We rejoice in our heritage which has given us the Sabbath, a day of rest. It is first among our holidays and a reminder of the Exodus from Egypt.

Ashreinu bi'yerushateinu she'masrah lanu kos pri hogofen l'mo'adim u'l'simkha ki samakhnu b'khageinu. Ashreinu bi'yerushateinu she'masrah lanu et ha'shabbat., yom-mnukha, reisheet bamo'adeinu zekher litsi'at mitsra’im.

Mir freyen zikh mit unzer yerushe vos hot undz gegebn di kos foon vayn alts simbol foon undzer gliklich-kayt, Mir freyen zikh mit undzer yerusheh vos hot undz gegebn Shabbes, a tog foon minukha. Es is di vikhtikste foon undzere yom-toyvim oon dermont undz foon undzer oroysgeyn foon mitzrayhim

Service Section: Kiddush, Motzi & Handwashing 
Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society