ברוכים בוראי פרי הגפן

B’ruchim boray p’ri hagafen. 

Blessed are those who create the fruit of the vine. 

Savri, maranan v’rabanan de etmol: kidashnu et ha’yayin. Savri maranan v’rabanan de ha’yom: brukhim ha’borim pri hagafen haShabbat. Me’samkheinu ha’Shabbat m’rapeinu l’gufoteinu u’l’nafshoteinu ha’Shabbat. Me’ashreinu brukhim ha’shomrim et yom ha’Shabbat. 

The Rabbis and Sages of old proclaimed: We sanctify this wine. The Rabbis and Sages of today proclaim: Blessed is the fruit of the vine. The Shabbat makes us joyful. The Shabbat heals us in body and in spirit. The Shabbat enriches us. Blessed are those who celebrate the Shabbat. 

Service Section: Kiddush, Motzi & Handwashing 
Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism